Monday, October 4, 2010

My eerie night

September 10

I was with some of my friends and we were about to go to the store when we walked outside and couldn't move. The sky was orange. I don't mean sunset orange, I men the entire sky had turned a eerie scary orange; which made everything else look orange too. We stood outside probably for an hour thinking. So I decide to reflect on this environmentally. I was asking questions like, "Why is the sky orange?" "Is the world ending?" "Am I safe being outside. I never found out any answers to my questions. My only solution is that the world is still a strange place that has many unexplained phenomenons. Hopefully through this class I can learn some more answers about the world and its ever changing environment.

See how everything looks orange because of the sky.

Even the owls were acting strange
Standing outside under the orange sky

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