Monday, October 4, 2010


September 29

My mom came to visit my sister and me from Louisiana. While she was her she stayed at her boyfriend's parents house. She wanted to see me one day so she convinced me to drive all the way out to Buckingham to see her. I had no idea where this place was, or what to expect, but after I left I was glad I had gone. Buckingham was like walking in the book a Land Remembered. All of the sites I saw reminded me of what I had imagined while I was reading the book. There was swamp, cows, bulls, goats, chickens, birds, palm trees, and so much more. While I was reading a land remembered all I kept thinking about was how much I wish I could live in a place like that; peaceful and away from civilization. Buckingham is that place.

 There were herds of chickens everywhere. clucking and running around free as a bird, no pun intended.
 This site especially reminded me of the book so I had to grab a picture. The herd of cattle gathered together reminded me of how Zech and Tobias would graze thousands of cattle across the state.
 This picture reminded me of when the cattle drowned in the swamp because they were trying to find a faster way to get to Punta Rassa. I wonder if all of Buckingham once looked like this?
 Although this horse isn't free to range over the open fields I still had to take a picture because of how beautiful it is.
 These baby goats laying under the trees didn't remind me of anything at first. I just thought they were cute so I wanted a picture. But after I saw this picture again I wondered if maybe this was the type of area Tobias had first built a house at before it was burned down.
 This picture again reminded me of the scene when the cows are eaten by alligators when they try to cross through this swamp. I guess this cows not afraid though because he stayed there no matter how close I got.
 I guess this is the area me and my mom walked around in; the hickory swamp preserve; which is commonly known as Buckingham.

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