Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fourth Feild Trip

 My fourth field trip was at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. I want to start off saying that I got lost twice trying to get there, but I eventually found my way. It is all the way down immokalee....ALL THE WAY DOWN. When the roads start turning into dirt roads you know your there. Anyway I was pretty excited about this feild trip because of all the animals the site said they had so I was expecting to walk into a zoo. Unfortunately that was not the case. But I did get to see some interesting plant environments and learn about different facts that I didn't know about before.

As soon as I walked in the door I learned something new. These pictures describe the past waterways of florida, the present and the future. it displays how we have changed and modified the natural waterways and the consequences that have come from this change. Thankfully the future picture shows that we are making some changes to ensure that our water becomes sustainable and the wildlife will be able to reproduce and spread again.

Once I began to walk the path outside the first thing I saw was this bulletin board. I was immediatly excited because this board was full of all the animals that had been cited in the sanctruary. Which meant I was going to see some crazy wild animals, like eagles, hogs, and deer. But my main goal after seeing this sign was to
see a bear and an alligator because they were two of the animals listed that had been seen that very day; which is shown in the next picture.

Anyway I continued down the path through the different environments and the first thing I started to think about was a Land Remembered. When I was reading the book I was thinking of the exact landscape of the Corkscrew Sanctuary. I kept thinking to myself while walking around, imagine yourself a hundred years ago walking through Florida and this is what you would you see everywhere.

 All of these different environments were very relaxing and before I knew it I had been walking for two hours. It made me realize that nature is a very relaxing therapy. I didn't stress out, or think about my problems, or that I had to work the next day, or clean my house, I didn't really think at all. I just walked and enjoyed all the different sites and sounds that came from every corner of the swamp and relaxed.

One last thing to add is I did get to see my alligator!!!!
I saw him in a fish tank inside when I was leaving :)

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